module BoolNatDemo where

----------------------                 Prelude             --------------------

-- Equality.
data _==_ {A : Set} (x : A) : A  Set where
  refl : x == x
cong : {a b : Set} {x y : a} (f : a -> b) -> x == y -> f x == f y
cong f refl = refl

-- Contradiction type.
data Empty : Set where

-- Reducto ab absurdum.
contradiction : {A : Set}  Empty  A
contradiction ()

data Exists (a : Set) (b : a -> Set) : Set where
  Witness : (x : a) -> b x -> Exists a b

-- Negation
Not : Set  Set
Not A = A  Empty

data Nat : Set where
  Zero : Nat
  Succ : Nat -> Nat

data Either (a b : Set) : Set where
  Left : a -> Either a b
  Right : b -> Either a b

----------------------                Syntax             ----------------------

data Type : Set where
  NAT : Type 
  BOOL : Type

-- Our Term language
data Term : Type -> Set where 
  true          : Term BOOL
  false         : Term BOOL
  if_then_else_ : forall {σ} -> (c : Term BOOL) -> (t e : Term σ)  Term σ
  -- Let's add natural numbers
  zero          : Term NAT
  succ          : (n : Term NAT) -> Term NAT
  iszero        : (n : Term NAT) -> Term BOOL

-- The set of atomic values within the language.
data Value : Type -> Set where
  vtrue : Value BOOL
  vfalse : Value BOOL
  -- And what else?
  vnat : Nat -> Value NAT

-- Associate each value with a term.
⌜_⌝ : forall {ty} -> Value ty  Term ty
 vtrue  = true
 vfalse  = false
 vnat Zero  = zero
 vnat (Succ x)  = succ  vnat x  

-- Denotational semantics.

-- Evaluation function.
⟦_⟧ : forall {ty} ->  Term ty   Value ty
 true  = vtrue
 false  = vfalse
 if t then t₁ else t₂  with  t 
 if t then t₁ else t₂  | vtrue =  t₁ 
 if t then t₁ else t₂  | vfalse =  t₂ 
 zero  = vnat Zero
 succ t  with  t 
 succ t  | vnat x = vnat (Succ x)
 iszero t  with  t 
 iszero t  | vnat Zero = vtrue
 iszero t  | vnat (Succ x) = vfalse

-- Small-step semantics.
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

data IsValue : {ty : Type} -> Term ty -> Set where
  V-True : IsValue true
  V-False : IsValue false
  V-Zero : IsValue zero
  V-Succ :  {x} -> IsValue x -> IsValue (succ x)

isValueComplete : forall {ty} -> (v : Value ty) -> IsValue  v  
isValueComplete vtrue = V-True
isValueComplete vfalse = V-False
isValueComplete (vnat Zero) = V-Zero
isValueComplete (vnat (Succ x)) = V-Succ (isValueComplete (vnat x))

isValueSound : forall {ty} {t : Term ty} -> IsValue t -> Exists (Value ty) (\v ->  v  == t)
isValueSound V-True = Witness vtrue refl
isValueSound V-False = Witness vfalse refl
isValueSound V-Zero = Witness (vnat Zero) refl
isValueSound (V-Succ p) with isValueSound p
isValueSound (V-Succ p) | Witness (vnat k) q = Witness (vnat (Succ k) ) (cong succ q)

data Step  : {ty : Type} -> Term ty  Term ty  Set where
  E-If-True : forall  {ty} {t1 t2 : Term ty} -> Step (if true then t1 else t2) t1
  E-If-False : forall {ty} {t1 t2 : Term ty} -> Step (if false then t1 else t2) t2
  E-If-If : forall {ty} {t1 t1' : Term BOOL} {t2 t3 : Term ty} -> Step t1 t1' -> 
    Step (if t1 then t2 else t3) (if t1' then t2 else t3)
 -- What else?
  E-Succ : forall {t t' : Term NAT} -> Step t t' -> Step (succ t) (succ t') 
  E-IsZeroZero : Step (iszero zero) true
  E-IsZeroSucc :  {t : Term NAT} -> IsValue t -> Step (iszero (succ t)) false
  E-IsZero : forall {t t' : Term NAT} -> Step t t' -> Step (iszero t) (iszero t')

preservation :  {ty} -> (t t' : Term ty) -> Step t t' -> ty == ty
preservation t t' step = refl

valuesDoNotStep : forall {ty} -> (t t' : Term ty) -> Step t t' -> IsValue t -> Empty
valuesDoNotStep .true t' () V-True
valuesDoNotStep .false t' () V-False
valuesDoNotStep .zero t' () V-Zero
valuesDoNotStep _ _ (E-Succ step) (V-Succ v) = valuesDoNotStep _ _ step v

-- A term is reducible when some evaluation step can be applied to it.
data Red {ty : Type} (t : Term ty) : Set where
  Reduces : {t' : Term ty} -> Step t t' -> Red t

-- A term is considered a normal form whenever it is not reducible.
NF :  {ty} -> Term ty  Set
NF t = Red t -> Empty

toVal : forall {ty} -> (t : Term ty) -> IsValue t -> Value ty
toVal .true V-True = vtrue
toVal .false V-False = vfalse
toVal .zero V-Zero = vnat Zero
toVal _ (V-Succ v) with toVal _ v
toVal _ (V-Succ v) | vnat x₁ = vnat (Succ x₁)

-- Steps are deterministic: the same term can not be evaluated in more than one manner.
--deterministic : ∀ {ty} {t t₁ t₂ : Term ty} → Step t t₁ → Step t t₂ → t₁ == t₂
--deterministic step1 step = ?

-- So we can add *types* to our term language. 
-- But when is a type system 'good'?
-- What would we like to prove about the relation between our semantics and well-typed terms?

-- Type safety (sometimes called type soundness)
--  * progress -- a well-typed term is a value or is reducible --
--    'well-typed terms are never stuck'
--  * preservation -- if a well-typed term performs an evaluation
--    step, the result is still well-typed
-- Together these two properties guarantee that 'well-typed programs
-- don't go wrong'

  -- If-then-else terms are reducible.
  if-reduces :  {ty} (t₁ : Term BOOL) (t₂ : Term ty) (t₃ : Term ty)  Red (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
  if-reduces true t2 t3 = Reduces E-If-True
  if-reduces false t2 t3 = Reduces E-If-False
  if-reduces (if t1 then t2 else t3) t4 t5 with if-reduces t1 t2 t3
  if-reduces (if t1 then t2 else t3) t4 t5 | Reduces x = Reduces (E-If-If x)
  if-reduces (iszero t1) t2 t3 with iszero-reduces t1
  if-reduces (iszero t1) t2 t3 | Reduces x = Reduces (E-If-If x)

  iszero-reduces : (t : Term NAT) -> Red (iszero t) 
  iszero-reduces (if t then t₁ else t₂) with if-reduces t t₁ t₂ 
  iszero-reduces (if t then t₁ else t₂) | Reduces x = Reduces (E-IsZero x)
  iszero-reduces zero = Reduces E-IsZeroZero
  iszero-reduces (succ t) with progress t
  iszero-reduces (succ t) | Left x = Reduces (E-IsZeroSucc (normal-forms-are-values _ x))
  iszero-reduces (succ t) | Right (Reduces x) = Reduces (E-IsZero (E-Succ x))

  succ-nf : (k : Term NAT) -> NF (succ k) -> Red k -> Empty
  succ-nf _ nf (Reduces x) = nf (Reduces (E-Succ x))

  -- A normal form must be a value.
  normal-forms-are-values :  {ty} (t : Term ty)  NF t  IsValue t
  normal-forms-are-values true nf = V-True
  normal-forms-are-values false nf = V-False
  normal-forms-are-values (if t then t₁ else t₂) nf = contradiction (nf (if-reduces t t₁ t₂))
  normal-forms-are-values zero nf = V-Zero
  normal-forms-are-values (succ t) nf = V-Succ (normal-forms-are-values t (succ-nf t nf))
  normal-forms-are-values (iszero t) nf = contradiction (nf (iszero-reduces t))

  values-are-normal-forms : forall {ty} -> {t : Term ty} -> IsValue t -> NF t
  values-are-normal-forms p (Reduces step) = valuesDoNotStep _ _ step p

  lemma : (k : Term NAT) -> NF k -> NF (succ k)
  lemma t nf (Reduces (E-Succ x)) = nf (Reduces x)

  progress : {ty : Type} -> (t : Term ty) -> Either (NF t) (Red t)
  progress true = Left (values-are-normal-forms V-True)
  progress false = Left (values-are-normal-forms V-False)
  progress (if t then t₁ else t₂) = Right (if-reduces _ _ _)
  progress zero = Left (values-are-normal-forms V-Zero)
  progress (succ t) with progress t
  progress (succ t) | Left x = Left (lemma t x)
  progress (succ t) | Right (Reduces step) = Right (Reduces (E-Succ step))
  progress (iszero t) = Right (iszero-reduces _ )

--   * prove uniqueness of normal forms
--   * prove termination
--   * define a big step semantics
--   * prove various semantics equivalent

-- Retrospective
-- * Three styles of semantics: denotational, small step and big step
-- * All three can be shown to be equivalent
-- * To avoid handling 'stuck' terms, we introduced a typing discipline
-- * And proved type soundness -- 'well-typed terms can't go wrong'
--   (the proof was easy using Agda - because we only considered well-typed 
--   terms to begin with; usually we would need to do induction over the typing
--   derivation)
-- * All proofs are by easy induction -- finding the right definitions is hard!