module BoolDemo where

----------------------                 Prelude             --------------------
-- Equality.
data _==_ {A : Set} (x : A) : A  Set where
  refl : x == x
-- Contradiction type.
data Empty : Set where

-- Reducto ab absurdum.
contradiction : {A : Set}  Empty  A
contradiction ()

-- Negation.
Not : Set  Set
Not A = A  Empty

----------------------                Syntax             ----------------------

-- Grammar of terms.
data Term : Set where 
  true          : Term
  false         : Term
  if_then_else_ : (t₁ t₂ t₃ : Term)  Term

-- The set of atomic values within the language. In this case the booleans true and false.
data Value : Set where
  vtrue : Value
  vfalse : Value

-- Associate each value with a term.
⌜_⌝ : Value  Term
 vtrue  = true
 vfalse  = false

-- Example term.
ex : Term
ex = if true then false else true

-- Denotational semantics.

-- Evaluation function.
⟦_⟧ : Term  Value
 true  = vtrue
 false  = vfalse
 if t then t₁ else t₂  = cond  t   t₁   t₂ 
  cond : Value -> Value -> Value -> Value
  cond vtrue t e = t
  cond vfalse t e = e

-- Small-step semantics.

data Step : Term  Term  Set where
  E-If-True : forall {t1 t2} -> Step (if true then t1 else t2) t1
  E-If-False : forall {t1 t2} -> Step (if false then t1 else t2) t2
  E-If-If : forall {t1 t1' t2 t3} -> Step t1 t1' -> Step (if t1 then t2 else t3) (if t1' then t2 else t3)

-- Example
exampleStep : Step ex false
exampleStep = E-If-True

-- Steps are deterministic: the same term can not be evaluated in more than one manner.
deterministic :  {t t₁ t₂}  Step t t₁  Step t t₂  t₁ == t₂
deterministic E-If-True E-If-True = refl
deterministic E-If-True (E-If-If ())
deterministic E-If-False E-If-False = refl
deterministic E-If-False (E-If-If ())
deterministic (E-If-If ()) E-If-True
deterministic (E-If-If ()) E-If-False
deterministic (E-If-If step1) (E-If-If step2) with deterministic step1 step2 
deterministic (E-If-If step1) (E-If-If step2) | refl = refl

-- A term is reducible when some evaluation step can be applied to it.
data Red (t : Term) : Set where
  Reduces : {t' : Term} -> Step t t' -> Red t

-- A term is considered a normal form whenever it is not reducible.
NF : Term  Set
NF t = Red t -> Empty

-- Evidence type that shows a certain term represents a value.
data Is-value : Term  Set where
  vtrue : Is-value true
  vfalse : Is-value false

-- If-then-else terms are reducible.
if-reduces :  t₁ t₂ t₃  Red (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃)
if-reduces true t2 t3 = Reduces E-If-True
if-reduces false t2 t3 = Reduces E-If-False
if-reduces (if t1 then t2 else t3) t4 t5 with if-reduces t1 t2 t3
if-reduces (if t1 then t2 else t3) t4 t5 | Reduces x = Reduces (E-If-If x)

-- A normal form must be a value.
normal-forms-are-values :  t  NF t  Is-value t
normal-forms-are-values true nft = vtrue
normal-forms-are-values false nft = vfalse
normal-forms-are-values (if t then t₁ else t₂) nft = contradiction (nft (if-reduces t t₁ t₂))

-- Sequences of small steps.

-- A sequence of steps that can be applied in succession.
data Steps : Term  Term  Set where
  Nil : forall {t} -> Steps t t
  Cons : forall {t1 t2 t3} -> Step t1 t2 -> Steps t2 t3 -> Steps t1 t3

-- Single-step sequence.
[_] :  {t₁ t₂} -> Step t₁ t₂ -> Steps t₁ t₂
[_] x = Cons x Nil
-- Concatenation.
_++_ :  {t₁ t₂ t₃}  Steps t₁ t₂  Steps t₂ t₃  Steps t₁ t₃
Nil ++ steps2 = steps2
Cons x steps1 ++ steps2 = Cons x (steps1 ++ steps2)

infixr 5 _++_

-- An extension of the E-If rule, for multiple steps.
E-If-Steps :  {t₁ t₁′ t₂ t₃} 
        Steps t₁ t₁′ 
        Steps (if t₁ then t₂ else t₃) (if t₁′ then t₂ else t₃)
E-If-Steps Nil = Nil
E-If-Steps (Cons x steps) = Cons (E-If-If x) (E-If-Steps steps)

-- A term can not evaluate to more than one normal form.
uniqueness-of-normal-forms :
   {t t₁ t₂} 
  Steps t t₁  Steps t t₂  NF t₁  NF t₂  t₁ == t₂
uniqueness-of-normal-forms Nil Nil nf1 nf2 = refl
uniqueness-of-normal-forms Nil (Cons x s2) nf1 nf2 = contradiction (nf1 (Reduces x))
uniqueness-of-normal-forms (Cons x s1) Nil nf1 nf2 = contradiction (nf2 (Reduces x))
uniqueness-of-normal-forms (Cons x s1) (Cons x₁ s2) nf1 nf2 with deterministic x x₁
uniqueness-of-normal-forms (Cons x s1) (Cons x₁ s2) nf1 nf2 | refl = uniqueness-of-normal-forms s1 s2 nf1 nf2

-- Example: if ex then ex else ex evaluates to false.
exSteps : Steps (if ex then ex else ex) false
exSteps = Cons (E-If-If E-If-True) (Cons E-If-False (Cons E-If-True Nil))
-- Big-step semantics.

-- A different kind of representation for evaluation rules. 'a ⇓ b' denotes that a will evaluate to value b after a 
-- complete execution of the term.
data _⇓_ : Term  Value  Set where
  EvalTrue : true  vtrue
  EvalFalse : false  vfalse
  EvalIfTrue : forall {c t e v} -> c  vtrue -> t  v -> (if c then t else e)  v
  EvalIfFalse :  forall {c t e v} -> c  vfalse -> e  v -> (if c then t else e)  v

-- Example: if ex then ex else ex evaluates to false (using big-step notation).
ex⇓ : (if ex then ex else ex)  vfalse
ex⇓ = EvalIfFalse (EvalIfTrue EvalTrue EvalFalse) (EvalIfTrue EvalTrue EvalFalse)

-- Converstion from big- to small-step representations.
big-to-small :  {t v}  t  v  Steps t  v 
big-to-small EvalTrue = Nil
big-to-small EvalFalse = Nil
big-to-small (EvalIfTrue p p₁) = E-If-Steps (big-to-small p) ++ ([ E-If-True ] ++ big-to-small p₁)
big-to-small (EvalIfFalse p p₁) = E-If-Steps (big-to-small p) ++  Cons E-If-False Nil ++ big-to-small p₁

lemma : (v : Value) ->  v   v
lemma vtrue = EvalTrue
lemma vfalse = EvalFalse

lemma2 : forall {t t' v} -> Step t t' -> t'  v -> t  v
lemma2 E-If-True p = EvalIfTrue EvalTrue p
lemma2 E-If-False p = EvalIfFalse EvalFalse p
lemma2 (E-If-If step) (EvalIfTrue p p₁) = EvalIfTrue (lemma2 step p) p₁
lemma2 (E-If-If step) (EvalIfFalse p p₁) = EvalIfFalse (lemma2 step p) p₁

-- Conversion from small- to big-step representations.
small-to-big : (t : Term) -> (v : Value)  Steps t  v   t  v
small-to-big .( v ) v Nil = lemma v
small-to-big _ v (Cons step steps) = lemma2 step (small-to-big _ _ steps)

-- Relating denotational semantics and big-step semantics

-- Prove completeness of the big-step semantics when using the
-- evaluation function: each term should reduce to its evaluation.
⇓-complete :  t  t   t 
⇓-complete true = EvalTrue
⇓-complete false = EvalFalse
⇓-complete (if t then t₁ else t₂) with ⇓-complete t
⇓-complete (if .true then t₁ else t₂) | EvalTrue = EvalIfTrue EvalTrue (⇓-complete t₁)
⇓-complete (if .false then t₁ else t₂) | EvalFalse = EvalIfFalse EvalFalse (⇓-complete t₂)
⇓-complete (if _ then t₁ else t₂) | EvalIfTrue p p₁ = {!!}
⇓-complete (if _ then t₁ else t₂) | EvalIfFalse p p₁ = {!!}

-- Prove soundness of the big-step semantics: when a term can be
-- big-step evaluated to a value, this value should be the evaluation
-- of that term.
⇓-sound :  t v  t  v  v ==  t 
⇓-sound .true .vtrue EvalTrue = refl
⇓-sound .false .vfalse EvalFalse = refl
⇓-sound _ v (EvalIfTrue {c} p p₁) with  c  | ⇓-sound _ _ p
⇓-sound _ v (EvalIfTrue p p₁) | .vtrue | refl = ⇓-sound _ _ p₁
⇓-sound _ v (EvalIfFalse {c} p p₁)  with  c  | ⇓-sound _ _ p
⇓-sound _ v (EvalIfFalse p p₁) | .vfalse | refl = ⇓-sound _ _ p₁

-- Expressing and proving termination.

-- The execution of a term terminates when there exists a step
-- sequence that evaluates this term to a value.
data _⇓ (t : Term) : Set where
  terminates :  v  Steps t ( v )  t 

-- If t₁ evaluates to t₂, and t₂ terminates, then t₁ terminates as
-- well.
prepend-steps :  {t₁ t₂}   Steps t₁ t₂   t₂    t₁ 
prepend-steps steps (terminates v x) = terminates v (steps ++ x)

-- All steps terminate.
termination :  t  t 
termination true = terminates vtrue Nil
termination false = terminates vfalse Nil
termination (if t then t₁ else t₂) with termination t
termination (if t then t₁ else t₂) | terminates vtrue x with termination t₁
termination (if t then t₁ else t₂) | terminates vtrue x₁ | terminates v x = terminates v (E-If-Steps x₁ ++ (Cons E-If-True Nil ++ x))
termination (if t then t₁ else t₂) | terminates vfalse x = {!!}