The Dutch Functional Programming Day (also known as the FP Dag) is an annual gathering of researchers, students, and practitioners sharing a common interest in functional programming. The day features talks that cover the latest advances in research, teaching, and applications in functional programming in the broadest sense. Coffee and lunch breaks provide ample opportunity for networking with your colleagues and meeting new people. Experts and newcomers to the field are equally welcome.
When and where
The FP Dag took place on April 22nd 2022, in the Boothzaal of the Utrecht University’s Library on the Utrecht Science Park. There is a tram nearby with regular trams to and from Utrecht CS.
The next edition of the FP Dag will be held in Eindhoven. You can find more details on the website.
09:30-10:00 | Registration | |
10:00-10:25 | Manuel Chakravarty | Scripting Blockchains — Functional or Imperative? |
10:25-10:50 | Olav de Haas | Mechanizing proof outlines for imperative programs in Agda |
10:50-11:15 | Johan Hidding | Entangled - Literate Programming Improved |
11:15-11:45 | Break | |
11:45-12:10 | Birthe van den Berg | Forward- or Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation: What’s the Difference? |
12:10-12:35 | Tom Verhoeff | Backtracking without (Explicit) Recursion |
12:35-13:00 | David van Balen & Ivo Gabe de Wolff |
Optimising functional, parallel array languages |
13:00-14:30 | Lunch | |
14:30-14:55 | Steffen Michels | VIIA - A Complex Real-World TOP Application |
14:55-15:20 | Pieter Koopman | Reducing the Power Consumption of IoT with Task-Oriented Programming |
15:20-15:45 | Break | |
15:45-16:10 | Roger Bosman | Getting a handle on (scoped) effects |
16:10-16:35 | Kiara Grouwstra | Typed program synthesizers: machine learning in Haskell |
16:35-17:00 | Alejandro Serrano Mena | The story of kind-generics: Generic Programming for GADTs |
17:00-17:05 | Business meeting | |
17:30 | Dinner |
Manuel Chakravarty - Scripting Blockchains — Functional or Imperative?
The ledger model of the world’s first and largest blockchain, Bitcoin, constitutes a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Just as in the case of classic dataflow languages, the Bitcoin DAG can be seen as the execution trace of a functional program, even if the limited scriptability of Bitcoin makes this a fairly limited functional program. It was the aim of the world’s second largest blockchain, Ethereum, to lift those limits. Unfortunately, Ethereum did so by replacing the functional ledger model by an imperative one using shared mutable state. Is this change of paradigm essential? Or can we have our cake and eat it, too — can we preserve Bitcoin’s functional ledger model, while achieving Ethereum’s expressiveness?
The answer is: yes, we can! Our extended version of Bitcoin’s ledger model, which forms the basis of the smart contract layer of the Cardano blockchain, serves as the constructive proof. Less clear is the choice of programming abstraction for such a functional blockchain scripting system. An attractive option appears to be an abstraction based on automata.
In this talk, I will explain how Bitcoin and Ethereum’s ledger models correspond to functional and imperative programming, respectively, and how we extended Bitcoin’s model to achieve Ethereum-level expressiveness. Afterwards, I will discuss some of the open questions around the choice of programming abstractions and how automata might provide a way forward.
Olav de Haas - Mechanizing proof outlines for imperative programs in Agda
Formal verification of imperative programs can be carried out on paper by annotating programs to obtain an outline of a proof. This process has been mechanized by the introduction of separation logic and computer assisted verification tools. However, the tools fail to achieve the readability and convenience of manual paper proof outlines. This is a pity, because getting ideas and proofs across is essential for scientific research. We introduce a mechanization for proof outlines of imperative programs to interactively write human readable outlines in the dependently typed programming language and proof assistant Agda. We achieve this by introducing practical syntax and proof automation to write concise proof outlines for a simple imperative programming language based on λ-calculus. The proposed solution results in proof outlines that combine the readability of paper proof outlines and the precision of mechanization.
Johan Hidding - Entangled - Literate Programming Improved
Science is facing a major problem known as the reproducibility crisis. One of the supposed causes of this crisis is the lack of proper documentation and communication about the software used in the production of scientific results. To improve this situation, we should give researchers better tools to help them communicate software methodology. One such avenue of approach is to improve the usability of literate programming methods. Programming with Entangled starts by creating Markdown files with embedded code blocks. These code blocks are live tangled to compilable source code. The source code can then also be edited, and Entangled feeds any changes back to the original content in the Markdown files. By taking this approach, Entangled functions independent of programming language or text editor. Having a daemon that compiles annotated Markdown to source code, and possibly embeds research results into a science paper raises some interesting issues with the programmability of such a system. Entangled embeds a build-system (driven by Shake) and is entirely configurable through Dhall. Incidentally, I found that using strongly typed functional languages offer abstractions that are the easiest to embed in a piece of scientific prose, of which I’ll show some examples.
Roger Bosman - Getting a handle on (scoped) effects
Algebraic effects & handlers have become a standard approach for working with side-effects in functional programming languages. However, not all effects can be classified as algebraic; some need a more sophisticated handling. In particular, effects that have or create a delimited scope - called scoped effects - need special care.
Although calculi have been designed with algebraic effects & handlers as first-class operations, calculus to support scoped effects & handlers in a similar matter is missing from the literature. In this presentation we cover our work to fill this gap: we present a novel calculus in which both algebraic and scoped effects & handlers are first-class.
Tom Verhoeff - Backtracking without (Explicit) Recursion
I show how backtracking can be discovered naturally without using a recursive function (nor using a loop with an explicit stack). Rather, my approach involves a form of self application that can be elegantly expressed in an object-oriented program, and that is reminiscent of how recursion is done in lambda calculus. It also illustrates why reasoning about object-oriented programs can be hard. I illustrate it in Haskell where it naturally gives rise to monads and their composition.
David van Balen & Ivo Gabe de Wolff - Optimising functional, parallel array languages
We discuss some challenges of implementing optimisations in a compiler for a functional data-parallel array language. These are implementation choices within the compiler: The programmer does not have to make these decisions, and will only notice their performance benefits. In these languages we want to reduce memory pressure by maximising both fusion, which combines loops, and in-place updates, which enables re-use of existing arrays. These two optimisations cannot be treated separately: The choice on which loops or kernels to fuse has implications on which operations can be performed in-place, and vice versa. We show that the combination of these choices creates a difficult problem, and talk about how we explore its large solution space. We are currently implementing these optimisations, and will conclude with their integration in the compiler for Accelerate, a data-parallel array language embedded in Haskell.
Steffen Michels - VIIA - A Complex Real-World TOP Application
We present VIIA (Vessel Information Integrating Application), as an example of a real-world full-stack application written in a purely functional language. The application is developed for the Dutch Coast Guard for continuously monitoring the North Sea and identifying potential risks. The main selling point is a powerful query engine which can deal with contradicting information from multiple sources, while at the same time providing an intuitive query language for the end-user. The system is very efficient and can deal with high data volumes of thousands of positions per second. We show how developing such application profits from traditional FP, as well as TOP (task-oriented programming) a paradigm for developing purely-functional, iterative, distributed web applications.
Pieter Koopman - Reducing the Power Consumption of IoT with Task-Oriented Programming
Limiting the energy consumption of IoT nodes is a hot topic in green computing. For battery-powered devices this necessity is obvious. The enormous growth of the number of IoT nodes makes energy efficiency important for every node in the IoT. In this talk, we show how we can automatically compute execution intervals for our Task Oriented Programs for the IoT. These intervals offer the possibility to save energy by bringing the microprocessor driving the IoT node into a low-power sleep mode until the task need to be executed. We do allow an arbitrary number of tasks on the IoT nodes and achieve significant reductions of the energy consumption by bringing the microprocessor in sleep mode as much as possible. We have seen energy reductions of an order of magnitude without imposing any constraints on the tasks to be executed on the IoT nodes.
Birthe van den Berg - Forward- or Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation: What’s the Difference?
Automatic differentiation (AD) has been a topic of interest for researchers in many disciplines, with increased popularity since its application to machine learning and neural networks. The technique has two principal variants, forward-mode and reverse-mode AD; the former being more understand- able, the latter being more efficient. Although many researchers appreciate and know how to apply the two variants, only a few understand the underlying processes, though a vast amount of literature is devoted to explaining their details. In this Pearl, we instead aim to give a self-contained explanation of AD that departs from nothing more than basic high-school differentiation and essential functional programming techniques, augmented with three fundamental abstractions. Specifically, these abstractions are: (1) a module over a semiring, (2) a modest, but powerful, generalisation of Clifford’s algebra of dual numbers, and (3) the Kronecker delta function. With these abstractions, reified as Haskell type classes, we can view different differentiation techniques as an instance of a single abstract computation, the definition of which fits on a single line. More precisely, we show how we can derive symbolic differentiation, forward-mode, and reverse-mode AD, by reasoning over the appropriate symbolic, dense, and sparse function spaces. From there, we can optimise even further by sharing computations and using a Cayley-style or array-based representation. Further extensions to the framework include operator overloading, sharing sub-expressions, higher-order differentia- tion, and more. With these abstractions and insights in place, this Pearl seeks—once and for all—to untangle the mystery of forward and, in particular, reverse-mode AD, making the technique more comprehensible, also for the non-expert.
Kiara Grouwstra - Typed program synthesizers: machine learning in Haskell
Traditionally fields like data science and machine learning have been dominated by Python. However, Python lacks many of the niceties of the functional languages we have come to love. Using a case study on neural programming by example, I opted to implement the synthesizer model for my AI thesis using Haskell, using the HaskTorch framework. In this talk I demonstrate what coding machine learning models this way looks like and how it compares to Python equivalents.
Alejandro Serrano Mena - The story of kind-generics: Generic Programming for GADTs
What led two PhD students at UU to develop yet another generic programming library? In this talk/story we look at those reasons, and how step by step the kind-generics library came into existence.
- Gabriele Keller (g.k.keller@uu.nl)
- Wouter Swierstra (w.s.swierstra@uu.nl)
We will end the day with a joint dinner (at your own expense). We’ll provide more information about the dinner plans later.
Registration is free of charge, but please register before April 15th. Lunch and coffee will be provided.